Happy New Year!
Although right now the Winter days are cold and dark, January brings the first Spring Term at school which means brighter days are on the way!
Take a look at what’s new this half term…
The Year 1 children made an amazing discovery in our first week back – mysterious eggs appeared at school and a letter from the University of Manchester asking us to help them locate some important missing dinosaur exhibits! We will be looking at information texts about dinosaurs to see if we can identify if the eggs we have found could be DINOSAUR EGGS! We will be looking at the features of simple non-fiction text and writing our own entries for a Year 1 Dinosaur Encyclopaedia.
Our focus in Phonics this half term will be to continue Phase 5 learning alternative sounds that letters we already know sometimes make when reading words.
This term Year 1 making a visit to Denton Library. We would encourage as many children as possible to join the Library so you can continue to develop a love of reading at home. Best of all …it’s FREE!
Please continue to use Reading Eggs regularly at home also (Reading Eggs login details are attached to the Reading Record book. Please ask a member of staff if you have any problems).
Don’t forget YEAR 1 READING MORNING, every Monday morning 8.50am -9.20am grown-ups are most welcome to come and join their child, share a story or find out some facts
from our lovely collection of books. What a fantastic way to start your child’s week by being a super reading role model!
For more information of how and what we teach in spelling in Year 1 and what words to practise at home please use the links below:
Year 1 Key Words for spelling /reading
We ask that you read with your child as often as possible and sign their reading record a minimum of twice weekly in line with school policy. We will check reading records every Wednesday with homework. We will change their book twice a week only in line with school policy. This is to encourage more depth of comprehension and more fluency practise. Pleases return reading books and records every day.
The children in Year 1 love their Maths lessons! Our Maths themed story books Maths area are really popular in reading morning and in independent choice learning time. Miss Daunt is working in Year 1 this term as part of our SHINE project using number /maths stories and rhymes. She will be working with some children and parents on using Maths story activity packs at home. Our work in Maths this half term will focus on:
Place Value
Say the number one more or less and two more or less using a number line or a 100 grid; locate 2-digit numbers on a 100 grid and a 1-100 bead string; read, write and say 2-digit numbers and understand them as some tens and some ones
Number Facts
Revise pairs to 5, 6, 7, 10 and doubles to double 6; derive subtraction facts; understand a symbol being used for an unknown; use number facts to solve simple addition and subtraction word problems; find pairs of numbers with a total of 8
Adding and Subtracting
Add by putting the larger number first and counting on (numbers up to 100), spotting unit patterns; count on from 2-digit numbers; add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number
3D shapes / Time
Name, recognise and know the properties of 3D shapes: cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder and sphere; begin to sort 3D shapes according to properties; order and name the days of the week and months of the year; recognise and name the seasons
Numbers and Counting: Fractions
Count on and back in tens from any number; begin to count in 5s and 2s recognising multiples of 5 end in 5 and 0; chn begin to count in 2s; estimate a number of objects within a range and count by grouping into 10s or 5s
As part of Year 1 weekly Homework children should complete Active Learn Maths games at home inked to their work in school. (Active Learn log in details are attached to the Reading Record book. Please ask a member of staff if you have any problems).
Year 1 also have access at home to TTRockstars where they can practise their times tables fluency. Again regular practise at home will help your child be more confident during Maths lessons in school.
The Science topic this term will be all about animals including humans. The children will be labelling parts of their body, identifying a range of animal parts and learning all about the five senses including an investigation to explore taste. They will be learning to categorise and classify animals according to their characteristics and use terminology such as carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. They will work be working scientifically to investigate mini-beasts in our local school grounds and use a range of graphs to present statistics. We will also be walking to Hulme Woods to record our Winter season and weather. We will need parent/carer volunteers to support with this and will notify you via parentmail. .’
Our exciting new creative curriculum topic for Spring is JURRASIC FOREST DINOSAURS! We will be asking and finding answers to simple questions about the past in the time of Dinosaurs known as the Jurassic period. We will learn about where and when the dinosaurs lived and why they became extinct. We will be revisiting the continents of the world to make a fossil finding map. We will be exploring what fossils are and what we can learn from them using simple sources of information. We will also be finding out about the lives of Mary Anning the famous fossil finder and natural history expert David Attenborough.
Our design and make task this term will involve building model dinosaurs with moving part. Fossils will inspire our artwork this term as we explore clay, make rubbings, prints, imprinting in and modelling with clay.
To celebrate and consolidate our learning during the topic we end the term with a visit to see a full size dinosaur skeleton!!
In RE we will be starting a new unit called ‘What makes some places sacred?’. The children will be exploring a range of World Religions and compare/contrast in more detail a Church, a Synagogue and a Mosque. We will use our visits to St. Mary’s, our RE artefacts in school and Virtual classroom experiences to research different places of worship and explore why these places are considered sacred and to whom. We will use art, drama and circle time to explore this theme creatively.
The children will be following a unit called ‘Walking with Dinosaurs’ from the Knowsley Planning Scheme. This will involve the children practically learning about algorithms and beginning to learn Code which will be linked directly to our topic and will be a fun, game based unit. The children will be using code to make Daisy Dino move around a game following a set of instructions.
The children are developing their Dance skills in PE this term with special lessons from one of our Sports Development coaches. In Gymnastics we will be ‘Rocking and Rolling!’. Using mats and some simple apparatus while copying and remembering actions, making a sequence, showing contrasts (such as small/tall, straight/curved and wide/narrow) and learning to hold a position whilst balancing on different points of the body.
PE will take place on Mondays and Fridays this term.
Please make sure that a complete PE kit is in school every week.
Our school follows a scheme called Jigsaw and this term our Year 1 children will complete a unit called ‘Dreams and Goals’. After thinking about our successes and achievements we will be setting simple personal goals and recognising how we can best learn to achieve them. We will take a goal and break it into small steps. Working with a partner and celebrating our successes together, exploring how difficult challenges make us feel and recognising how it feels to overcome difficult challenges will finish off our Dreams and Goals puzzle piece.
Our Music lesson in the first part of Spring 1 explore to songs to learn and perform:Rhythm In The Way We Walk (Reggae style) and The Banana Rap (Hip Hop style). Through these songs and different musical activities we will be developing our understanding of lots different musical dimensions but particularly pulse, rhythm and pitch. We will listen and respond to popular tunes including Happy (Pharrel Williams) and When I’m 64 (The Beatles).
In Year 1 homework is given on a Friday and expected back every Wednesday. Children will be expected to complete a maths activity on Active Learn, a spelling activity on Spelling Shed, read their reading book at least twice and complete an activity from the DINOSAUR homework menu.
Children are encouraged to be as creative as they wish and can choose how to present their homework so if they have published something using an iPad, tablet or computer please email it to us!
Remember children are registered and have log in details to use all the following learning APPS at home:
TTRockstars, Active Learn, Spelling Shed and Reading Eggs
Children also have home access to Espresso which allows them to explore interactive resources covering the entire Year 1 curriculum and is a great place to find child friendly
information and appropriately levelled activities to support all areas of the curriculum.
Click on the link here for a copy of the homework which is also stuck in children’s Homework Book. Find a Homework Help Pack on the Class Page of the School website or pick up a pack from your child’s teacher at school.
F.A.O. Mrs. Ethell or Miss. Richards to admin@corrie.tameside.sch.uk
Don’t forget that your homework and reading are monitored as part of your Assertive Mentoring profile.
On time by Wednesday – GREEN
Late by Friday – YELLOW
No homework or reading completed – RED
HOMEWORK CLUB is available after school if you are unable to complete homework at home. Ask teachers or school office staff for details.