About Corrie’s Eco Club


The Eco team meet each Half Term to discuss jobs which need doing around the school such as planting seasonal plants, tidying gardens around school and litter collection around school.

The Eco Team is made up of Eco Warriors (one from each Class) who are nominated by their classmates and have the responsibility of ensuring the School’s Eco Policy is being implemented. This is through jobs such as turning lights off when the classroom is empty, encouraging paper recycling within the classroom, reporting any leaking taps etc.

Jobs which the Eco Team have been currently undertaking include: emptying the large vegetable planters and litter picking to ensure that school grounds remain neat and tidy.

Please save all Morrisons Lets Grow vouchers as we buy many of the gardening resources and plants for Spring using these, thanks!

In the summer term we are hoping to run a Gardening club for the key stage 1 children that will be supervised by the student Teachers.