Timetable for next week

  Mon   13.7.20 Tues    14.7.20 Wed    15.7.20 Thur    16.7.20 Fri  17.7.20
9.00 – 9:15 Spelling: Go on Spelling Shed or learn words from your 5/6 wordlist


Mad Maths!

Times Table Rockstars

Spelling  Go on Spelling Shed or learn words from your 5/6 wordlist


Mad Maths!

Times Table Rockstars

Spelling  Go on Spelling Shed or learn words from your 5/6 wordlist


9.15-10.00 Reading: Use your pack “The Ultimate Guide to Elves and Sprites”

Read Cave Elves and highlight useful words, phrases and sentences you can magpie. Think about what kind of elf or sprite you will write about.


Reading: Read about the Cave Elf again and do Activity 2 –

Draw a Cave Elf with labels

Reading Free Choice of:

Twinkle online reading e-book of choice or Active learn book.

Or listen to a story Audible books


Or reading book of choice.



Reading: Activity 5

What is in a Cave Elf’s Knapsack?


Read the short poem, discuss it and plan ideas of your own


Activity 6 in the pack

Magpie useful words and openers

10.00- 11.00 English:

Vocabulary and sentences


Complete activity 1 from the booklet – Match the Vocabulary to its Definition

Then use the words in interesting sentences.






Write a descriptive paragraph about a Cave Elf’s home


Complete Activity 3 – Where do Cave Elves Live?


Write more than three sentences. Describe their home in detail. Get creative!

English: Writing

Design a Menu for a cave elf using Activity 4.

Get creative!


English: Create a poem


Ten Things Found in a Cave Elf’s Knapsack. Use lots of description and similes and metaphors please.


English: Activity 7

Read the boxed up version and consider ideas for your own paragraph

11.00- 11.15 Break– Go outside and get some fresh air, or try some activities from active classroom if it is raining.




Maths: Understand Percentages

Watch video-

Go to Lesson 1-

Week 8 on White Rose Website Y5



Then complete lesson 1 worksheet

Maths: Percentages and Fractions and Decimals

Watch video-

Go to Lesson 2-

Week 8 on White Rose Website Y5



Then complete lesson 2 worksheet





Maths: Adding Decimals with the same number of decimal places

Watch video-

Go to Lesson 3-

Week 8 on White Rose Website Y5



Then complete lesson 3 worksheet








Maths: Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places

Watch video- Go to Lesson 4-

Week 8 on White Rose Website Y5




Then complete lesson 4 worksheet






Maths: Go on Rockstars and Active learn today. Find percentages and decimals games.




12.15-1.15 Lunch
1.15-1.30 Reading for pleasure – Read a book or continue to listen to your audible book.
1.30 -2.30




5 –A-Day

Try some yoga/ Play outside/ create your own indoor exercise and fitness plan


Andy Goldsworthy –British Artist

Read the fact file about the artist Andy Goldsworthy then

Watch the video showing Andy Goldsworthy creating art using natural materials. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zh4wmp3

You could look at more of his work online.


Why are they temporary sculptures? What shapes have been used? What lines can they see? How has the artist used colour in his work? How do the sculptures make them feel? Which one do they like the most and why?

Then select an activity or from the land challenge cards to make your own sculpture.



Andy Goldsworthy –British Artist


Create a cave for an elf using natural materials that you have found outside in your garden or on a walk.


Remember that Andy Goldsworthy’s work is not always permanent.

You could record your work using a camera.



ART: Using Natural Materials


Read through Pebble Art activity sheet


Can you create a pebble that could be in an elf’s knapsack?


The pebble could be a sign for an elf’s home.







P.E – 5 –A-Day / Try some yoga / Play outside/ create your own indoor exercise and fitness plan




Numbers to 50

Revise counting numbers to 10. Then revise counting from 11 to 20. Use video Alain le Lait song:


Then count from in the following steps:

20 to 30; 30 to 40; 40 to 50;

Use the website Alain le Lait song to support counting:


Make a set of dominoes using the worksheet. You may need to stick the pieces on to card – use an old cereal box.

Golden Time

Treat this as Golden Time if your parents agree. You may now do an activity of your choice.



What is Shine?