Welcome Back Year 6!
Welcome to a busy but exciting first term in year 6. It’s really good to see you all back and ready to learn! We’ve missed you! Here’s what we are going to be learning about in the Autumn Term.
In English, we will be looking at Anthony Browne’s King Kong. We will be working hard on our writing every day and covering a variety of genres including journalistic writing, persuasive writing, character descriptions and writing for a purpose and an audience. We will be continuing to improve our SPAG skills throughout all aspects of our written work.
In Maths, we will now be working in class We will continue to develop and extend our skills in the 4 rules of number, our understanding of place value, decimals, percentages, and fractions and measurement. We will be using a mastery approach to focus on the using and applying aspects of maths through reasoning and explanation.
In Science, we will be looking at Animals Including Humans and how we can stay healthy and how eating well and exercising has a positive impact on our bodies. We will be learning about the different systems in our body and their function.
Our Geography topic this term is all about North America. We will be learning about the physical and human elements of this continent and investigate aspects such as climate and population. We will be doing lots of work in school but will also be expecting lots of brilliant homework.
In Jigsaw, our theme is Being Me In My World. We will be discussing our goals for this year, talking about and understanding our fears and worries about the future and knowing how to express them. We will be talking about democracy and the school community.
Please remember to encourage your child to carry on practising their times tables up to 12×12 as it is essential that they have rapid recall of all tables facts, including the inverse. Encourage them to go on TTRockstars every week to have fun and practise at the same time.
Homework will be set on a Friday and it must be brought back into school by the following Wednesday. The children will also be bringing home their reading books every day and it is vitally important that they read every day. We are really working on the children’s comprehension skills so it would be great if you could ask them questions about their books every time you read with them.
We keep track of the homework and reading on charts in the classroom that are linked to the assertive mentoring scheme that we use in school. In order to achieve a green mark their homework MUST be completed and handed in on WEDNESDAY.
We will be doing P.E. on Monday, so the children need their kits in school on this day.
Just a reminder that school P.E. kit comprises of a white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps and if P.E. is taking place outside and the weather is cold, the children are allowed to wear dark jogging bottoms and trainers. All jewellery must be removed for P.E.
We are looking forward to sharing all these exciting learning opportunities with you. Don’t forget to keep in contact using Blogs!
Below you will find the statutory spelling list for Y5 and Y6 which need to be learned.
spellingframe.co.uk is a wonderful website that will help you learn them.
Thank you for your support!
Miss Turner, Mrs. Marsden, Mrs Mitchell, Mrs. Farrington & Mrs Davies