Welcome back!

We will be doing some very exciting work this term in year 2!


In English we will be looking at the story Rosie Revere Engineer. We will be sequencing and performing the story and writing our own story based on the book.

We will then be looking at Denton and the hatting industry linked to our topic work and creating our own leaflets.

After that, we will be looking at the historical narrative The Great Fire of London and looking at Samuel Pepys diary. We will then write our own diary based on the events from an eyewitness perspective.


We will be looking at numbers within 100, partitioning and comparing. We will add and subtract numbers including adding three one digit numbers. Finally, we will look at the properties of shape including recognising 2D and 3D shapes.


We will be looking at materials. We will be looking at the properties of materials and completing an investigation linked to strength and durability. After that, we will be looking at feeding and exercise and will be looking at food chains and why exercise is important.


We will be doing the topic ‘Our Town, Our Denton’ and using our map work skills to locate certain places and will be walking to Hulme woods. After that, we will be completing World Kitchen and exploring hot and cold places around the world.

Other things:

PE will be on Tuesdays.

Homework and reading will be given out on Fridays and need to be returned on Wednesdays.