Welcome to Boost group!

Welcome to Boost group!

Children who attend our ‘Boost group’ have been identified as needing an extra ‘boost’ with their learning.

Each morning, each child will work to develop their speaking and listening, reading, writing and maths skills.

Here you will find further information about what your child in Boost Group will be learning in other areas of the curriculum, along with other useful information.


Autumn Curriculum


Topic: Prehistoric Britain

Our topic this term is Prehistoric Britain. Prehistory is any time that occurred before Human societies developed writing systems. We will be learning about the Stone age, Bronze age and Iron age.


Science: Grouping living things

In the grouping living things unit children will learn to identify a range of plants and animals and will start to group these using a range of features.


PHSE: JIGSAW : Being in my world

Our school follows a scheme called Jigsaw and this term Boost group children will complete a unit called ‘Being in my world’ which the children will identify positive things about themselves and their achievements, face new challenges positively, make responsible choices and ask for help when they need it, understand why rules are needed and how they relate to rights and responsibilities, understand that their actions affect themselves and others and care about other people’s feelings, make responsible choices and take action and to understand their actions affect others and try to see things from their points of view.



In RE the children will be learning about What different people believe about God.


PE: Basketball (also swimming for year 4 children)

The children will continue to have the sports coach working with them on a Wednesday afternoon. This half term, the children will developing their skills for the game of basketball.

Please ensure your correct and full PE kit is in school all week as PE days may change to accommodate other activities taking place in school.

Year 4 children, will join their peers and attend swimming lessons on a Monday afternoon. Please make sure the children have appropriate swimming kits and towels in a bag.


Music: (also brass for year 3 children)

Music this half term will be linked to our Prehistoric Britain topic and the children will be learning a number of songs associated with this.

Year 3 children will have the opportunity to learn how to play a brass instrument with Tameside music service. Music lessons are every Monday. If your child would like to take their brass instrument home to practice, a deposit can be paid to the office allowing them to take it home.


Computing: Computing systems and networks

This term the children will develop learn about computing systems and networks.


Forest School

Children in Boost Group have the fantastic opportunity to take part in Forest Schooling each Thursday. We venture out in all sorts of weather conditions and therefore children should have waterproof and warm clothing and sturdy footwear.


Other Support

To help support each child’s individual needs, children may take part in other activities to support their needs. These may include Zones of Regulation, speech and language, motor skills, lego therapy, social skills, memory skills or support with specific life skills.


Home Reading:

We ask that you read with your child as often as possible and sign their reading record a minimum of twice weekly in line with school policy. We will check reading records and change reading books every Friday. We monitor reading, homework and PE kits as part of our Assertive Mentoring Scheme.


Homework will be issued each Friday and should be completed each week and handed in by the following Wednesday to achieve GREEN for Homework in Assertive Mentoring. If it is handed it in on Thursday or Friday you will achieve YELLOW. If you don’t hand your homework in you will be RED for that week.


Other important information:

Please ensure your child’s name is clearly written in all your school uniform.

Please ensure that if your child requires medication in school (e.g. inhalers) that this has been provided and is not due to expire.

Children have a  login for Active Learn, Readingeggs, Spellingshed and Times Table Rockstars.. Each of these will help support your child’s learning and can be used at home. Please ask an adult if you lose or forget your login.



Parents & Carers are always very welcome to call in to discuss any aspect of their child’s learning, any other area of their school life or just to say ‘hello’.

If there is anything you need, or any help we can give you with anything, please let me know by either messaging on Google Classroom or speaking to us at school.

We are available after school, except on Wednesdays because that’s when we have our Staff Meeting. If a matter is urgent, you can always speak to an adult in the morning.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Appleton-Jones