Welcome to Year 3
We are going to have a fantastic term. Moving into the juniors is a big step and you are all doing really well.
On this page you will find loads of information for you and your parents about the learning in year 3 this term.
Autumn Term 2023
Reading :
We would like you to read as often as possible. Reading is very important and will help you in many areas of your learning.
Your reading books must be in school every day and you should read at home as often as you can, hopefully every day. Your parents or carers need to sign your reading log at least twice a week. Your reading logs will be checked on Wednesdays along with your homework.
In maths we will be continuing using Power Maths. We will be looking at place value (3 digit numbers), addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. We will be covering this work in great detail.
In English our featured text will be ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. We will also be reading extracts from Stig of the Dump by Clive Davies and The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley to support us with our writing. We will then write our own adventure story inspired by these texts and include some of the SPaG features we have been looking at in class. Other areas of reading and writing will be covered related to Black History Month and Roald Dahl day. We will then be concentrating on writing instructions based on “How to wash a Woolly Mammoth”, followed by reading and writing shape poems.
Topic: The Stone Age
Our topic this term is The Stone Age. Through our topic we will develop our historical skills by looking at what life was like in the Stone Age, studying what we can learn about the past from artefacts and finding out when the Stone Age was by looking at timelines. We will also be looking at Stone Age Art and Craft and create our own cave paintings and analyse Stone Age weapons and jewellery including spears, axes and bear tooth necklaces.
Science: Moving and Feeding
In Science you will learn that animals including humans need the right types and amounts of nutrition to thrive and grow and that eating the wrong types and amounts can lead to health problems. You will learn that we need to eat a varied diet and list the types of food that we need and why we need them and construct a balanced food plate. You will also discuss the role of the muscles and skeleton and describe what would happen if we didnʼt have them.
Our second science topic is Light and Shadows.
You will explore the differences between light sources and light reflectors. You will be able to describe how shadows are formed and will explore the relationship between light, objects and the formation of shadows. You will explore the properties of materials that can cast shadows and use the scientific terms opaque, translucent and transparent to describe these materials. You will also demonstrate an understanding of the possible dangers to health that the sun, as a strong source of light, holds for yourself and others.
Working scientifically, you will set up simple comparative and fair tests to compare materials, and you will make systematic and careful observations of shadows.
PHSE: JIGSAW: Being Me in my World
During this ‘puzzle’ you will be looking at your thoughts and feelings during new experiences. You will be looking at what makes you proud and how this makes you feel. You will create your own personal and class targets linked to our Investors in Pupils and assess your progress in achieving them. The second puzzle is : Celebrating Difference where we look at differences between people, diversity and anti-bullying.
RE: What do different people believe about God?
In RE the children will be looking at what different people believe about God through stories, buildings and art.
PE: Basketball, Tri-golf, dance and gymnastics
In PE the children will learn games skills and dance and gymnastics
Music: BRASS
During our music lessons the children will have the opportunity to learn how to play a brass instrument with Tameside music service.
In our ICT lessons we will be looking at Connecting Computers and Stop-frame Animations.
MFL: French
Our first theme is France and its culture. We will then look at greetings and names and learning how to count up to 20 in French, the French alphabet and colours.
Further information
You all have a Times Tables Rockstar login to practise fast retrieval of your multiplication tables. Please ask an adult to see your teacher for a replacement card if you lose or forget your login.
You will need to regularly revise the year 2 spelling list and learn the Year 3 spelling lists.
Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words
Year 3 Spelling Rules and Examples
Other important information:
- Please ensure your name is clearly written in all your school uniform.
- Please ensure your correct and full PE kit is in school all week as PE days can change in school (it will be sent home every half term to wash)
- Bring your reading book and reading log to school every day. Sometimes a reading volunteer will choose you for extra reading.
- Please bring a school water bottle every day.
All the equipment you need is supplied for you in school. Please do not bring in your own pencils, rubbers etc from home.
PE lessons will be every Wednesday and Thursday for the first half term. Parents please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school. This should be black shorts, pumps and a plain white t shirt or Corrie PE top.
After half term one of the year 3 classes we will be having some forest school sessions on Tuesday afternoons so you will need a change of clothes and some strong boots or wellingtons and a waterproof coat.
Homework will be sent home every Friday and is expected to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. If all homework is completed and handed in by Wednesday you will achieve green on your assertive mentoring chart. If you hand it in later than Wednesday you will achieve yellow. If you do not compete all homework you will be given a red.
You will have maths homework which is linked to your lessons that week, a fluency passage to practise at home, some topic homework from the menu and sometimes we will send other homework such as spellings or grammar work. Remember to do your reading to achieve your green on the chart too.
We will post your homework and other useful videos and ideas on Google Classroom too.
Take Away The Stone Age
We are really looking forward to a new and exciting term. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask.
Mrs Lynch, Miss Lester and Mrs Hall