Spring Term in Reception


Welcome to Corrie!

Everyone in the Reception Team are incredibly excited to see you all again and to begin a brilliant 2024 together!

The Reception team would like to welcome you to our year group page.

Here you will find information about what your child has been learning in Reception and how you can help them at home. This page will be updated with information about current and future topics.

What does your child need for Reception?

  • A school uniform and shoes
  • A water bottle
  • A coat
  • A pair of wellies
  • A set of spare clothes in a soft bag to hang on their peg.
  • A smile!

Please label all of your child’s belongings with their name.

Our new theme for learning is Our World Around Us!

During this term we will be learning all about our World. We we exploring how countries around the globe are different to the one we live in, including Antarctica and China. As part of this learning we will be exploring their weather, animals and traditions.

Spring 2 – We will exploring learning around the topics People Who Help Us, Superheroes and Easter Celebrations!


In Maths, in addition to following their own interests the children will be exploring:

Spring 1

  • Comparing numbers within 10 – more and fewer
  • Addition to 10
  • Measuring height, length and distance
  • Measuring weight
  • Number Bonds to 10

Spring 2

  • Subtraction
  • Exploring patterns
  • Counting on and counting back

Click the links below to sing along to our core Maths songs:


As part of our Topics we will be exploring a variety of texts;

Spring 1

  • One Day On Our Blue Planet: In the Antarctic by Ella Bailey
  • Same, Same but Different by Jenny Sue
  • Martha Maps it Out by Leigh Hodgkinson
  • Maisy’s Chinese New Year by Lucy Cousins
  • Mr Wolf’s Pancakes by Jean Fearnley

Click the book covers to read them online


Spring 2

  • Real Superheroes by DK Children
  • Heroes Who Help Us Around the World by Liz Gogerly
  • Ten Little Superheroes by Mike Brownlow
  • Supertato by Sue Hendra
  • Tap the Magic Tree by Christine Matheson
  • Spring by Ailie Busby 

Click the book covers to read them online


Our Core Nursery Rhymes and Songs shared will be,



In Phonics, the children will be recapping Phase 2 and 3 single letter sounds and learning digraph and trigraphs from Phase 3 Phonics and the phase two and three key words. These will be sent as homework for the children to practise at home.

We use the Story Time Phonics scheme to teach phonics. It supports the Phonics Planning of Letters and Sounds by learning the actions to the song for each new letter sound and the actions.



Outdoor Learning

The children have access to the outdoor area where we develop children’s creative ideas through different role-play areas enhanced with quality play equipment. The outdoor learning gives children the platform to learn and explore through all the areas of the Early Years Foundation stage curriculum.


Learning at Home

Your child will bring home a library book and a reading book to share with you.

Their library, home reading book and homework book is handed in every Wednesday.

Their home reading book is changed on a Wednesday.

Your child’s library book will be changed every Friday.

Every Friday, your child will bring their homework book home to complete an activity that supports their learning that has taken place that week, which you can choose with your child from the menu below. These can be completed in any order. They can be completed in their homework book or presented and shared in any way that they choose. For example, photographs and videos taken can be shared by email at reception@corrie.tameside.sch.uk Their homework is due the following Wednesday every week. Here’s our current Homework Menu – Our World Around us Reception Spring 1 Homework Menu


Happy Learning from the Reception class team.

Mrs Macdonald, Mrs Lomax, Mrs Baguley, Miss Cross, Mrs Alderson and Miss Wrigley