Maths Projects 2019-20
Maths and SEND
• Key features of Teaching for Mastery and implications for SEND pupils as well as approaches to supporting pupils to develop counting and number sense will be explored.
Target audience: SENDCo,
Programme outline:
Day 1 (Counting)
• Rationale & outcomes for project / Supporting SEND pupils in the mastery context (exploring the 5 Big Ideas and how these can support teaching mathematics to SEND pupils)
• Barriers for SEND pupils (SpLD, SLCN, working memory, cognitive processing)
• Early counting (develop pedagogical knowledge and understanding of the early stages of children’s development of counting)
• Diagnostic assessment (counting) to find out what the children CAN DO
• Case pupils / action planning
Day 2 (Counting & language)
• Feedback from gap task
• Explore some difficulties SEND pupils might have with mathematical language to support counting
• Strategies and activities to support the development of mathematical language
Day 3 (Developing number sense +/-)
• Feedback from gap task
• Number sense – supporting the development of addition/subtraction
• Models and images, mathematical resources and language to support
Day 4 (Developing number sense x/÷)
• Feedback from gap task
• Number sense – supporting the development of multiplication/division
• Models and images, mathematical resources and language to support
• Writing case studies/ next steps
• Day 1 – Tuesday 1st October (9am-3.30pm)
• Day 2 – Tuesday 5th November (1pm to 3:30pm)
• Day 3 – Tuesday 26th November (1pm to 3:30pm)
• Day 4 – Tuesday 15th January (1pm to 3:30pm)
Venue: Ashton on Mersey Teaching School, Trafford
Cost: FREE
Please register on Eventbrite for this project using the following link https://bit.ly/2xavN8w
Maths Intervention programmes in 2019-20
Intervention in a Mastery Context Programme
• The programme will support participants in considering different models of intervention in a mastery context to ensure that mathematics teaching has maximum impact for all children.
• Schools will trial a model of their choice and will document their observations to share with others.
• Participant teachers and teaching assistants will further their understanding of teaching for mastery
Target audience: The programme is for experienced teachers and teaching assistants in KS2 who work with the same class and share an interest in teaching mathematics.
Programme outline:
Day 1
• Exploring how the ‘Five Big Ideas’ of Mastery can support pupils working below ARE
• Considering the role of intervention
• Diagnostic Assessment – theory and practice
• Number Sense and Fluency (addition/subtraction)
Day 2
• Review and feedback from gap task
• Exploring procedural variation and implications for intervention
• Managing intervention groups
• Number Sense and Fluency (multiplication/division)
Day 3
• Review and feedback from gap task
• Exploring conceptual variation and implications for intervention
• Number Sense and Fluency (place value)
• Case studies / next steps
Dates: (full days 9am-3.30pm)
Day 1 – Wednesday 9th October
Day 2 – Thursday 7th November
Day 3 – Thursday 28th November
Venue: Ashton on Mersey Teaching School, Trafford
Cost: FREE
Please register on Eventbrite for this project using the following link https://bit.ly/2IzVGVK
Reasoning Project
How does it work?
• The project combines 2 x ½ days of face-to-face training with structured in-school gap tasks, readings and activities.
• Participants will examine the progression in reasoning skills and ways in which children’s mathematical reasoning can be developed.
• A range of ideas and resources will be explored that allow all children to reason mathematically. We will look at open tasks that encourage meaningful collaboration, variation and questions that allow children to explore maths at greater depth.
Target audience: KS1, KS2 class teacher
• Developing Reasoning (9am-12pm
• Day 1 Tuesday 8th October 2019
• Day 2 Wednesday 5th February 2020
Venue: Ashton on Mersey Teaching School
Cost: FREE
Please register on Eventbrite for this project using the following link https://bit.ly/2L85nwd