Welcome to Year 4 Spring Term
We are really looking forward to this term and we hope you are too! Spring Term is a very busy one, so here’s what we’ll be up to!
We’ve got lots of exciting activities planned in English. Our writing focus is based on a book called Flotsam. We will be creating our own narrative based on this picture book. We will also focus on a book called The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry and write a narrative with an environmental theme. We will be analysing different texts and video clips to help inspire our own writing, so that we can carry on being awesome authors too!
We will develop our SPAG knowledge through continuing to learn about the various word classes and different spelling patterns, including the Y3/4 word list. We will be focussing on how to apply all our SPAG work into our own writing.
In Guided Reading, we will be studying Wonder by RJ Palacio, which is a social narrative.
We will continue to develop our skills in the 4 operations, our understanding of Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Area. We will focus on the Using and Applying aspect of Maths through Reasoning Challenges and improving our Maths fluency through Fluent in Five each day.
Please remember to carry on practising your times tables up to 12×12.
Our topics this term are Sound and Human Nutrition. We will be finding out how sounds are made and healthy diet.
Our topic for the whole of this term is South America. We will be learning all about the different countries in South America and the Amazon rainforest.
Our first Puzzle is called Dream and Goals. We will be discussing what we would like to achieve in the future. Our second puzzle is called Healthy Me and we will be discussing all aspects of a healthy lifestyle.
Computing –
We will be finding out about Photo editing and Repetition in Shapes..
PE will be on Tuesdays. Please make sure you have your PE kit in school.
Swimming will be on Thursdays.
For swimming lessons, girls will need to wear a one piece swimming costume and a swimming hat. Boys with a longer hairstyle will also need to wear a swimming hat.
Earrings cannot be worn for swimming.
Goggles cannot be worn unless medically prescribed.
We will continue to have a creative approach to our homework this term. You will be given Maths and Spelling homework each week as well as being able to choose from a range of creative activities in Topic.
Homework is given out on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.
We read in class every day, so make sure you always have your Reading Log in school.
Please make sure you also read twice each week at home and ask an adult to sign your Reading Log for you. We will sign your Reading Log every WEDNESDAY to check you have read at home, so please don’t forget!!
Miss Turner, Miss Bruce, Miss Mees, Mrs. Wright & Mr Jones