Year 6 – Autumn 2024

Welcome back to school Year 6!

Just think, in a year from now, you’ll all be settling into a new school, so we had better make sure we make the most of the exciting year ahead of us!

We have sent out letters for the prefects to give them permission to come into school at 8:30am each morning to help in different classes.

We have also sent out a letter for any parents who wish to give permission for their children to bring a phone into school if they are walking to or from school alone. We do need the permission slip to be signed for this to be allowed to happen and the phones need to be switched off and given to us to store during the day as soon as they come into school.

Just a few notes to make everyone aware of when things will be happening:

PE will be every Monday afternoon and every other Thursday morning, so the children need their kits in school on these days. It is usually easier just to bring kit at the start of the week and keep it in school until it needs to go home to be washed. Just a reminder that school P.E. kit comprises of a white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers or pumps and if P.E. is taking place outside and the weather is cold, the children are allowed to wear dark jogging bottoms and trainers. All jewellery must be removed for P.E. If the children cannot remove the jewellery themselves, it is best if they do not wear it on the PE days.

Homework will still be sent out each Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday at the latest and reading books should be taken home and signed by an adult at least twice a week. 

Handwriting and Presentation
As always, we will be looking really carefully the presentation in all of our books, including our homework books. We will be following our school handwriting scheme with the children and will be expecting them to use this and be as neat as possible in all aspects of their work.

The first topic we are covering this year is North America. We will be looking at lots of Geographical skills during this topic and will be finding out lots about all the different countries and diverse cultures within this fascinating continent. Part of the weekly homework in Year 6 will again be to complete some topic based activities and the homework menu will again be used to choose activities from.

This term we will be looking at a range of writing styles. We will be looking in detail at the King Kong book by Anthony Browne and will be creating stories and newspaper reports around this.

We will also be looking at a video called ‘The Eye of the Storm’ and will be completing our own narratives based around this.

In SPaG lessons we will be revising all areas of punctuation and continuing to work on all the aspects of grammar to make your written work better. Remember the children have weekly spellings to learn, using Spelling Shed.

In our maths lessons we will be covering the Year 6 objectives from the maths Curriculum. You will be continuing to work hard to achieve your targets in a variety of aspects of maths, trying to become more fluent and developing your reasoning and problem solving skills. We will be focussing on the using and applying aspect of maths through problem solving, reasoning, explaining and investigating. You will also be continuing to learn all your times tables so that you know all the multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12 as quickly as possible as this is so valuable when working in many areas of maths.

Our Bodies: In this unit children will learn how to identify and explain the different systems which are constantly at work within the human body. We will look in detail at some of these systems including the circulatory system and we will look at how the heart works to circulate our blood around the body.

Changing Circuits: In this unit, the children will learn how to create and develop increasingly difficult and complex circuits, building on the work they did in year 3.

We will continue our work on coding, using the Scratch 3 program. We will also continue on creating and editing videos. Computing will also be used in a cross-curricular manner too in a variety of other curriculum areas to enhance learning. We will be using Book Creator, Powerpoint, iMovie and Keynote to present our work in other subjects in different ways.

The children will continue to get English and maths homework every week and they will also have a topic sheet which they can select homework from. We will always set the homework on a Friday and it must be brought back into school by the following Wednesday. The children will also be bringing home their reading books every day and it is vitally important that they read every day. We are really working on the children’s comprehension skills so it would be great if you could ask them questions about their books every time you read with them.

We keep track of the homework and reading on charts in the classroom that are linked to the assertive mentoring scheme that we use in school. In order to achieve a green mark their homework MUST be completed and handed in on WEDNESDAY.

We are looking forward to sharing all these exciting learning opportunities with you.  Don’t forget to keep in contact using Google Classroom!

If there is anything you need, or any help we can give you with anything, please let me know by either messaging on Google Classroom or on the year 6 school email (, catching me in the morning or after school, or giving me a ring.

Mr. Griffin

Categories 6G

Welcome back to school Year 6!

Year 6 Summer Term 2024
Welcome back! We hope that you’ve all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for a very busy and important summer term. Despite the SATs, we have lots to look forward to including Forest School, our trip to Go Ape and we will begin to rehearse for our end of year show.
A reminder that the children have their SATs week beginning 13th May. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s class teacher. The time table for the assessments will be:
Monday 13th May – SPaG test (45 mins) Spelling (20 mins)
Tuesday 14th May- Reading test (60 mins)
Wednesday 15th – Maths paper 1 Arithmetic (30 mins) Maths paper 2 Reasoning (45 mins)
Thursday 16th – Maths paper 3 Reasoning (45 mins)
English: This term we will be looking at a range of writing styles. Firstly, we will use the video Francis from literacy shed to produce a newspaper report about the disappearance of the girl in the video. We will then move onto writing balanced arguments. We will be debating whether the graffiti artist Banksy is a criminal or artist.

In SPaG lessons we will be revising all areas of punctuation and continuing to work on all the aspects of grammar to make your written work better.

Maths: In our maths lessons we will be covering the Year 6 objectives from the maths Curriculum using our Power Maths scheme. We will be revising some of the ks2 objectives in preparation for our SATs. We will be continuing to work hard to achieve your targets in a variety of aspects of maths, trying to become more fluent and developing your reasoning and problem solving skills. We will be focussing on the using and applying aspect of maths through problem solving, reasoning, explaining and investigating.


Evolution and Inheritance: In this unit children will have worked towards answering the Quest question ‘How do living things evolve?’ They will have investigated how living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. They will have had the opportunity to make a visit (real or virtual) to a Natural History museum and they will have constructed a geological timeline. Children will have identified how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution. They will have explored the principal of inheritance, recognising that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but that normally such offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. Children will have researched how plants and animals are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and they will have identified some beneficial adaptations that may lead to evolution. They will have explored natural selection through drama and designed their own species.

Topic: We are covering two topics this half term. We will be looking at Climate change and how this affects our local area. We will then move on to study the amazing Ancient Greeks! Although Climate change is only a short topic for us we will study in detail how the area of Haughton Green and Denton is affected. During our Ancient Greece topic we will also complete lots of art work and use clay to try and recreate some of the beautiful vases and sculptures they created.

Computing– We will continue our work on coding, using the Scratch 3 program. We will also continue on creating and editing videos. Computing will also be used in a cross-curricular manner too in a variety of other curriculum areas to enhance learning. We will be using Book Creator, Powerpoint, imovie and Keynote to present our work in other subjects in different ways.

The children will continue to get English and maths homework every week. We will always set the homework on a Friday and it must be brought back into school by the following Wednesday. The children will also be bringing home their reading books every day and it is vitally important that they read every day. We are really working on the children’s comprehension skills so it would be great if you could ask them questions about their books every time you read with them.

We keep track of the homework and reading on charts in the classroom that are linked to the assertive mentoring scheme that we use in school. In order to achieve a green mark their homework MUST be completed and handed in on WEDNESDAY.

We will be doing P.E. on Monday and Wednesday so they will need their kits in school on these days. Just a reminder that school P.E. kit comprises of a white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps and if P.E. is taking place outside and the weather is cold, the children are allowed to wear dark jogging bottoms and trainers. All jewellery must be removed for P.E.

If you have any questions or concerns, please come and see us.

Miss Wood & Mr Griffin

P.E. and Sports Premium

In March 2013, the Government announced a new package of funding for P.E. and school sport. Through the ‘Sport Premium’, they are continuing the provision.

The allocation for our school is £18,970 for this academic year (2020-2021).

The money will be spent in such a way as to encourage children who are reluctant when it comes to PE as well as enriching the learning opportunities and developing the skills of those children who enjoy and excel in P.E.

The provision of the Sports Premium funding is there to give schools the financial support to put schemes in place which will have a lasting and sustainable impact on the PE provision in school and the health and fitness of all the children beyond the time when the funding is no longer available.

With this in mind, all of the funding which we receive goes towards providing the children with opportunities to develop a love and a passion for health, sport and fitness which will change their mind-set to want to take part in activities both within and without the school environment. All of the sports premium funding we receive goes towards providing additional opportunities for the children that would otherwise not be available through traditional funding streams.

We use this funding to improve the skills of teachers in the teaching of PE, particularly through working with specialist coaches from the Kickstart organisation, with whom we are in partnership, to upskill our teachers in the provision of all aspects of P.E., thus giving sustainability for the future.

We are also using the money to top up resources in school to enable teachers to provide an outstanding skills – based approach to P.E. teaching.

We have used approximately 5% of the money to go into partnership with the Tameside School Sports Partnership. This will provide us with specific teacher training across all areas of P.E., membership to the Youth Sports Trust, Leadership training for pupils, Change4Life Health initiatives, online fitness tools, Literacy and Numeracy sport and P.E. projects, access to further funding support, Delivery of inter school competitions and a range of other services.

Further spending is used to provide lunchtime activities for all children in KS1 and 2, again provided by the Kickstart programme, and for the provision of equipment to provide all children, both those with an interest in PE and those who are more reluctant to join in, with the opportunity to be active and to take part in a variety of sports activities.

We also spend a large chunk of the funding on the running of our- in my opinion, unrivalled- Sports and Health Week, where we provide the children with a huge amount of sports and health related experiences and opportunities, along with providing pathways into the continuation of these sports and experiences outside of school through our links with coaches and clubs. Unfortunately, this was cancelled last year, due to the Covid 19 pandemic. We used the extra money available to us this year to provide a wellbeing mentoring support worker who is linked to the Kickstart initiative, who will provide mental health and well-being sessions for identified children throughout this year, to support children with the re-integration into school after the lockdown. We have also used some of the left over funding to provide sports-specific equipment to be able to provide the children with additional opportunities to try new sports in school during this time when we are unable to compete in different sports against other schools. We are very much hoping that we will be able to run our Sports Week this year, in the week beginning June 14th 2021 and we are already planning for this.

Further funding is made available to provide all the children in school who require additional support to achieve their National Curriculum swimming awards. We currently provide all children with blocks of swimming lessons during Year 4. For any children who are not water confident and cannot swim competently, using a range of strokes and perform self rescue in different water based activities, we provide additional catch up sessions, paid for from the sports premium funding during year 5 or 6. As a result of the lockdown caused by the pandemic, many of our Year 4 children were unable to gain the required awards during the last academic year, so additional catch up sessions will be needed for more children over the next two years.

For a more detailed breakdown of the spending, please see the attached impact statements at the bottom of this document.

To keep up to date with new initiatives and exciting times to come in school sport and P.E. at Corrie, make sure you keep checking the P.E. section of our web-site.

PE Lead Release Time

Resourcing and Equipment

Staff CPD

Tameside School Sports Partnership


Pictures of our previous School Sports and Health Weeks.


Health Initiatives

We have also invested time and money into looking at initiatives which can have a wider implication to the health and well-being of our children in a variety of ways.

  • We have appointed two Health Ambassadors who work alongside the Sports Ambassadors to look at how we can further develop health initiatives in school on an on-going basis.
  • We have incorporated health focussed sessions into our National School Sports Week. The children all take part in a healthy eating and cooking session with the school cook where they make smoothies and healthy pasta dishes.
  • We also ran a Junior Whistlers session in year 5 for a six week period whereby the children were taught how to officiate games and respect officials.
  • The Year 4, 5 and 6 children also took part in defibrillator training and basic CPR techniques as we have now purchased a defibrillator for school.


Healthy Eating / Healthy Lunchbox Assembly

Mr. Griffin and the Sports and Health Ambassadors have led a healthy eating and healthy lunchbox assembly to try to show everybody what the best choices are for healthy and balanced lunches.

We are also going to implement a new rewards scheme designed to encourage healthy eating. This will be run alongside a rewards scheme called ‘Smile for a Mile’ to encourage the children in each class to be more active by running or walking a mile each day / week.


Impact of PE Premium Spending

The money that we have spent in school since the funding began has had a huge impact already on the provision of school sport for our children. I have included below detailed breakdowns of the impact of the spending as well as an evidence sheet to show how there was an increased impact from the first year of the funding to the second year.

Evidence of increased impact of PE premium 2013-14 to 2014-15

Impact of PE Premium Spending 2013-14

Impact of PE Premium Spending 2014-15

Impact of PE Premium Spending 2015-16

Impact of PE Premium Spending 2016-17

Impact of PE Premium Spending 2017-18

Impact of PE Premium Spending 2018-19

Hi Everyone!

Hi All,

Hope you are still keeping safe and well. From Monday (18th May), there will be new home learning packs available to collect from school. I know Mrs. Cartledge has been keeping you all up to date with the current advice from the government, but in the meantime, we will keep providing work for you to do at home. Again, if you would rather have the packs emailed to you, send me an email on and I will send one over to you. The new battle is up and running on TTRockstars and as I mentioned before,some of you may well have been aware that all year 4 children in the country were supposed to take the national times tables check test in June. Obviously, under the current circumstances, all such official tests have now been postponed. However, the people at TTRockstars have sent teachers questionnaires to ask whether we think it would be useful for them to put together some form of test that the children could complete at home around the same time to give us an idea of whether the children are where they should be up to and also to allow the children to take a version of the test that they have been practising for all year. These results will not be sent anywhere and will not have any impact on the children moving forward, but it would be nice to recognise all the work they have been doing. Although the details for how this will work have not yet been put together, I will let you know as soon as I know anything and in the meantime, it would be great if you could have another push on getting the children to really work on their tables at home. If you are unsure of the login details for TTRockstars, let me know and I will send them over to you.

All of the websites below are still providing excellent materials to supplement the work we are providing and, as always, above all, just make sure that your amazing children are staying happy and safe during these incredibly challenging times.

If you need any help or support whatsoever, just send me an email on the above address at any time and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.

Stay safe,

Mr. G.