Welcome back to school Year 6!
Just think, in a year from now, you’ll all be settling into a new school, so we had better make sure we make the most of the exciting year ahead of us!
We have sent out letters for the prefects to give them permission to come into school at 8:30am each morning to help in different classes.
We have also sent out a letter for any parents who wish to give permission for their children to bring a phone into school if they are walking to or from school alone. We do need the permission slip to be signed for this to be allowed to happen and the phones need to be switched off and given to us to store during the day as soon as they come into school.
Just a few notes to make everyone aware of when things will be happening:
PE will be every Monday afternoon and every other Thursday morning, so the children need their kits in school on these days. It is usually easier just to bring kit at the start of the week and keep it in school until it needs to go home to be washed. Just a reminder that school P.E. kit comprises of a white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers or pumps and if P.E. is taking place outside and the weather is cold, the children are allowed to wear dark jogging bottoms and trainers. All jewellery must be removed for P.E. If the children cannot remove the jewellery themselves, it is best if they do not wear it on the PE days.
Homework will still be sent out each Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday at the latest and reading books should be taken home and signed by an adult at least twice a week.
Handwriting and Presentation
As always, we will be looking really carefully the presentation in all of our books, including our homework books. We will be following our school handwriting scheme with the children and will be expecting them to use this and be as neat as possible in all aspects of their work.
The first topic we are covering this year is North America. We will be looking at lots of Geographical skills during this topic and will be finding out lots about all the different countries and diverse cultures within this fascinating continent. Part of the weekly homework in Year 6 will again be to complete some topic based activities and the homework menu will again be used to choose activities from.
This term we will be looking at a range of writing styles. We will be looking in detail at the King Kong book by Anthony Browne and will be creating stories and newspaper reports around this.
We will also be looking at a video called ‘The Eye of the Storm’ and will be completing our own narratives based around this.
In SPaG lessons we will be revising all areas of punctuation and continuing to work on all the aspects of grammar to make your written work better. Remember the children have weekly spellings to learn, using Spelling Shed.
In our maths lessons we will be covering the Year 6 objectives from the maths Curriculum. You will be continuing to work hard to achieve your targets in a variety of aspects of maths, trying to become more fluent and developing your reasoning and problem solving skills. We will be focussing on the using and applying aspect of maths through problem solving, reasoning, explaining and investigating. You will also be continuing to learn all your times tables so that you know all the multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12 as quickly as possible as this is so valuable when working in many areas of maths.
Our Bodies: In this unit children will learn how to identify and explain the different systems which are constantly at work within the human body. We will look in detail at some of these systems including the circulatory system and we will look at how the heart works to circulate our blood around the body.
Changing Circuits: In this unit, the children will learn how to create and develop increasingly difficult and complex circuits, building on the work they did in year 3.
We will continue our work on coding, using the Scratch 3 program. We will also continue on creating and editing videos. Computing will also be used in a cross-curricular manner too in a variety of other curriculum areas to enhance learning. We will be using Book Creator, Powerpoint, iMovie and Keynote to present our work in other subjects in different ways.
The children will continue to get English and maths homework every week and they will also have a topic sheet which they can select homework from. We will always set the homework on a Friday and it must be brought back into school by the following Wednesday. The children will also be bringing home their reading books every day and it is vitally important that they read every day. We are really working on the children’s comprehension skills so it would be great if you could ask them questions about their books every time you read with them.
We keep track of the homework and reading on charts in the classroom that are linked to the assertive mentoring scheme that we use in school. In order to achieve a green mark their homework MUST be completed and handed in on WEDNESDAY.
We are looking forward to sharing all these exciting learning opportunities with you. Don’t forget to keep in contact using Google Classroom!
If there is anything you need, or any help we can give you with anything, please let me know by either messaging on Google Classroom or on the year 6 school email (year6@corrie.tameside.sch.uk), catching me in the morning or after school, or giving me a ring.
Mr. Griffin