Breakfast club is managed by the school and staffed by school staff members.
Breakfast club runs every weekday during term time (excluding Inset days) from 8.00 am until 8:50 am. Your child(ren) can be dropped off at any time between these times but breakfast is only served until 8:30 am. Children are taken to class by a member of staff at 8:50 am.
Breakfast consists of either a toasted bagel or cereal and a drink of milk or water. Breakfast Club costs £2.00 per child, per day and this is to be paid at the beginning of each week via ParentPay towards the cost of food and staffing. For children in receipt of means tested Free School Meals Breakfast Club is free.
If you would like your child to attend breakfast club please enquire at either office or complete the application form on the website. The club is open to children from Reception to Year 6.
Since starting the Breakfast club in February 2013 there has been a marked improvement in the attendance and punctuality which you have all seen through our weekly notices on the classroom doors. Parents with work commitments and early appointments have found it very helpful to be able to drop their children off before the normal school start time.
Once the children have enjoyed breakfast with their friends they can choose from a number of activities which are offered. These include Just Dance, Lego, Colouring, Construction, Reading, Board Games or if they want to they can just chat to their friends and members of school staff.