We have lots of exciting things going on in year 4 this term, we are looking forward to seeing all your hard work and we will enjoy sharing your learning with you.
Here are some of the super things we are going to be up to:
We will be studying two fantastic books in our English lessons!
Firstly, we will be looking at ‘Flotsam’ written by David Wiesener, this is a picture book with the most brilliant illustrations. The book will give us the opportunity to discover lots of photographs from under the sea, it’s a whole new world!
Secondly, we will be reading a book called ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ written by Lynne Cherry, this is a book linked to our rainforest topic and focusses upon the devastation that deforestation causes to the animals habitats.
We will continue to learn the year 3/4 spellings and will look at a range of spelling patterns to support this. Within the SPAG lessons we will be working on the correct use of commas and also inverted commas to indicate direct speech.
We will continue to develop our skills in the 4 operations, our understanding of multiplication, division, plus we will be to learn about area and perimeter. Within the maths sessions we will, as always be striving to improve fluency.
In year 4 there is the statutory times table check, aside from this it is so important that the children learn their times tables – we will be doing lots of work on the tables and really need that focus at home too.
The unit of work this term is ‘Sound. We will be investigating how the ear works and carrying out a number of investigations to see how sound travels.
This terms topic is the Rainforest, we will be looking closely at all aspects of the Amazon Rainforest including the climate, inhabitants and the effects of deforestation.
We will continue working on our RSE scheme ‘Jigsaw’ and discussing issues which are important to us and help us work together as a team. Our topic is Dreams & Goals.
We will begin the term looking at data logging, collating a range of data and looking at different ways to record the data. Then we will move on to repetition of shapes and will use software to create patterns and experiment with the repetition.
PE will be on Thursday.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR PE KIT. Make sure you don’t get RED on your Assertive Mentoring!
We will continue to have a creative approach to our homework this term. You will be given Maths and Spelling homework each week as well as being able to choose from a range of creative activities in Topic.
Homework is given out on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.
Homework handed in on Wednesday is GREEN.
Homework handed in on Thursday is YELLOW.
Homework handed in on Friday is RED.
We read in class every day, so make sure you always have your Reading Log in school.
Please make sure you also read regularly each week at home and ask an adult to sign your Reading Log for you. We will sign your Reading Log every WEDNESDAY to check you have read at home, so please don’t forget!!
Parents & Carers are always very welcome to call in to discuss any aspect of their child’s learning, any other area of their school life or just to say ‘hello’. We are available anytime before or after school, except on Wednesdays because that’s when we have our Staff Meeting.
We are really looking forward to a great half term with you all!
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Moran & Miss Mees