Welcome back to school Year 6!

Year 6 Summer Term 2024
Welcome back! We hope that you’ve all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for a very busy and important summer term. Despite the SATs, we have lots to look forward to including Forest School, our trip to Go Ape and we will begin to rehearse for our end of year show.
A reminder that the children have their SATs week beginning 13th May. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s class teacher. The time table for the assessments will be:
Monday 13th May – SPaG test (45 mins) Spelling (20 mins)
Tuesday 14th May- Reading test (60 mins)
Wednesday 15th – Maths paper 1 Arithmetic (30 mins) Maths paper 2 Reasoning (45 mins)
Thursday 16th – Maths paper 3 Reasoning (45 mins)
English: This term we will be looking at a range of writing styles. Firstly, we will use the video Francis from literacy shed to produce a newspaper report about the disappearance of the girl in the video. We will then move onto writing balanced arguments. We will be debating whether the graffiti artist Banksy is a criminal or artist.

In SPaG lessons we will be revising all areas of punctuation and continuing to work on all the aspects of grammar to make your written work better.

Maths: In our maths lessons we will be covering the Year 6 objectives from the maths Curriculum using our Power Maths scheme. We will be revising some of the ks2 objectives in preparation for our SATs. We will be continuing to work hard to achieve your targets in a variety of aspects of maths, trying to become more fluent and developing your reasoning and problem solving skills. We will be focussing on the using and applying aspect of maths through problem solving, reasoning, explaining and investigating.


Evolution and Inheritance: In this unit children will have worked towards answering the Quest question ‘How do living things evolve?’ They will have investigated how living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. They will have had the opportunity to make a visit (real or virtual) to a Natural History museum and they will have constructed a geological timeline. Children will have identified how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution. They will have explored the principal of inheritance, recognising that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but that normally such offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. Children will have researched how plants and animals are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and they will have identified some beneficial adaptations that may lead to evolution. They will have explored natural selection through drama and designed their own species.

Topic: We are covering two topics this half term. We will be looking at Climate change and how this affects our local area. We will then move on to study the amazing Ancient Greeks! Although Climate change is only a short topic for us we will study in detail how the area of Haughton Green and Denton is affected. During our Ancient Greece topic we will also complete lots of art work and use clay to try and recreate some of the beautiful vases and sculptures they created.

Computing– We will continue our work on coding, using the Scratch 3 program. We will also continue on creating and editing videos. Computing will also be used in a cross-curricular manner too in a variety of other curriculum areas to enhance learning. We will be using Book Creator, Powerpoint, imovie and Keynote to present our work in other subjects in different ways.

The children will continue to get English and maths homework every week. We will always set the homework on a Friday and it must be brought back into school by the following Wednesday. The children will also be bringing home their reading books every day and it is vitally important that they read every day. We are really working on the children’s comprehension skills so it would be great if you could ask them questions about their books every time you read with them.

We keep track of the homework and reading on charts in the classroom that are linked to the assertive mentoring scheme that we use in school. In order to achieve a green mark their homework MUST be completed and handed in on WEDNESDAY.

We will be doing P.E. on Monday and Wednesday so they will need their kits in school on these days. Just a reminder that school P.E. kit comprises of a white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps and if P.E. is taking place outside and the weather is cold, the children are allowed to wear dark jogging bottoms and trainers. All jewellery must be removed for P.E.

If you have any questions or concerns, please come and see us.

Miss Wood & Mr Griffin