Autumn Term

Autumn Term

The Resource Base team would like to welcome you to our class page.

What does your child need in the Resource Base?

  • A school uniform and shoes
  • A water bottle.
  • A coat
  • A pair of wellies
  • A set of spare clothes to hang on their peg.


Please label all of your child’s belongings with their name.

PE and forest school take place on Fridays.

Planning : Autumn 1  2024


Topic:  Why am I special and unique?

Key Texts:    Be You by Peter Reynolds

Be You by Karl Newson



In Maths, in addition to following their own mathematical interests the children will be exploring:

  • Counting to 10 and 20
  • Number bonds 5
  • Weight – focusing on the language heavy and light
  • Shape – focusing on the names of both 2d and 3d shapes.
  • Repeating patterns



In Phonics, the children will be learning Phase 2 and 3 letter sounds.
We use the Story Time Phonics scheme to teach phonics. It supports the Phonics Planning of Letters and Sounds by learning the actions to the song for each new letter, sound and the actions.

Indoor Learning:

The children will have access to play based learning opportunities to help develop communication and social interaction skills through daily continuous provision activities.

Outdoor Learning

The children have access to their own outdoor learning area to give children the opportunity to explore the world around them and learn through play.

Learning at home

Each week your child will be given a reading book to share with you at home. Once this is returned to school a new reading book will be provided.

If there is anything else you need, or require further information please feel free to contact me before or after school or give me a ring.

Miss Sharp