At Corrie we are always looking at ways in which we can improve our work with parents and carers and also establish stronger links within our community. Therefore we have embarked on an exciting national award called Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) which we hope we will achieve later on this year. It is a challenging, but rewarding, venture that should impact on every child, parent, carer, member of staff at Corrie and also our local community.
The LPPA offers long term benefits such as improved pupil attendance and behaviour and increased parental involvement and support. We hope that by improving links with parents and the community we can nurture a welcoming and warm environment for everyone coming to visit our school.
One of the areas that we will be looking at is Life Long Learning within school for parents. We will be looking at a variety of courses for parents to attend which will develop their own knowledge and skills which in turn will be of great benefit to their child. If anyone has any ideas of courses that they would like at Corrie then please let us know.
We are very excited about gaining this award and the opportunities that it will open up to our Corrie community.
So far we have…
- Varied the times of meetings and parent workshops so that they are more accessible to all of our parents/carers.
- More workshops have been put on by our staff at the request of parents to cater for showing parents the new ways in which we teach and also ways in which they can help their child.
- The Adult Learning Service has been into school to run courses for parents.
- We have improved our parent mail system.
- We now have a Facebook page which has proven to be really effective in getting out important messages at the last minute, celebrating children’s work and also feedback from parents.
- Introduced a new homework grid which allows children to choose which homework they want to do that week which has given much more independence to them and also parents.
- We ran an art competition and the winners in each year group had their art made into a canvas which is displayed in the Main Reception.
- New signs and Notice boards are placed around the school so that important information and can be displayed and you can also see what the children have been doing each week.
- We have made more links with our local schools, churches and groups so that the whole community can feel as proud of Corrie as we do and we can help within the local community.
- We have an excellent volunteer group which has made a great impact on reading and also the grounds of our school.
- We have invited parents back into class after their child’s class assembly for tea and toast so that the children can share their work with their parent/carer and we can celebrate their success.
- We have regular Coffee and Chat mornings where parents/carers can come, sit and chat with a piece of toast and a cup of tea or coffee.
- We have just begun a new project which will look at transition into nursery and building those important first relationships with parents/carers which will then continue throughout the school.
What we hope to do by the end of the school year
- Develop a new Parent Partnership policy.
- Introduce WOW days.
- Improved transition throughout the school.
What we would like to do next year
- Look at how we can develop our PTA.
- Develop a Parent Partnership Handbook.
If you would like any more information about what we have done, have any ideas on how we can improve or would be like to be part of our committee then please do not hesitate to come and speak to Mrs Turner or Mrs Sattler.
Follow this link for further information: