
Welcome to the Corrie Primary PTA.

Did you know that every parent is a member of the school’s PTA until his/her child leaves the school?  The PTA isn’t a small committee of people, it’s a way for you to get involved and become part of the school community helping to raise money towards extras for the children.  We always need help at school events and the more helpers that we have the easier it is to run events, even if you have a spare hour once a year this will make a huge difference.

The PTA raise money for the following every year – a donation of £150 per class per year towards school trips, a Christmas present of a book for each child, a small gift for each child at Easter

The PTA have also provided us with the following – A £10000 contribution to the Junior Climbing Frame, A contribution towards outdoor equipment in the Infants and Juniors

If you can help before or during events, collect donations for raffles, etc, please speak to:

ChairAmelia Mylott
TreasurerNicola Clarke-Greenhough
Vice-ChairJason Kelly
SecretaryKatrina Van Assen
School RepresentativesMrs McMunn – Business Manager

Please speak to any of the above if you have ideas for PTA Events / Fundraising.

Did you know we are registered with The Giving Machine?  You can raise money for the PTA while doing your usual online shopping.  To register, go to thegivingmachine.co.uk, choose Corrie Nursery and Primary School as your cause and then visit the retailer via the giving machine website and shop as usual.

The PTA is there to provide items for your child, without support we can’t hold events to raise funds.  Staff at Corrie give their free time for the PTA and we would love to get to know more parents and carers through helping at events.  It would be a shame for the children to miss out by events not taking place due to a lack of adult helpers available.

We can offer more to your children if we have more adult helpers.
