Physical Education

At Corrie, we value the Arts and Democracy as drivers of our Physical Education curriculum and provision. In terms of the Arts, through work in PE lessons, the children are encouraged to extend their skills and their self-confidence when performing on their own, in pairs, or in group activities. The artistic qualities required to develop capability in Physical Education require the children to express themselves using actions and movements, whether in dance, gymnastics, games or any other aspect of the curriculum. We also understand the role that Physical Education plays in developing the confidence to perform in front of others and the control, balance, co-ordination and skill which is needed to refine and polish performances

In terms of valuing the impact of Democracy as a driver to our Physical Education curriculum, PE gives children many instances where their spiritual, moral and social skills can be developed. In PE sessions, we aim to provide a learning environment which encourages curiosity, perseverance, open-mindedness, critical reflection and co-operation. During games lessons and through extra-curricular provision of inter and intra school competitions, the children are expected to develop their ability to work as part of a team and be able to converse democratically with team-mates, opponents and officials, as well as teaching them the personal skills and the social skills to deal with success and failure and achievement and disappointment in a more mature and considered manner. Through peer observations and evaluations, the children are encouraged to reflect on their own and others’ performances and to have the ability to give and receive constructive criticism in a considerate and empathetic way to improve their performance and that of their peers. . In dance sessions, the children are encouraged to think about different traditional dances and styles of dance from around the World and to develop an understanding of and an acceptance of these different cultural forms of expression.


The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities.
  • Lead healthy, active lives.


Impact of PE Premium Spending 2022-23