Message to Year 1 Parents / Carers:

We are committed to supporting you at this difficult time and doing what we can to ensure children’s learning and development continues as much as possible under such exceptional circumstances.

We are available to contact via the class email during normal school days /working hours to support with any queries / advice regarding your child’s learning and the activities we have provided.

We have planned a structured programme of tasks and activities to make sure children staying at home while school is closed have opportunity for continued learning.

Much of this learning can be accessed online as part of what school normally provides through websites such as Active Learn, Reading Eggs etc.

For those children who do not have access to online resources we have provided a take home pack of activities for every child as an alternative.

A timetable of learning for the next two weeks is stuck inside the exercise books included in the packs.

Children have been given two reading books with their diary, which will need to be returned to school when school opens again or when you collect new learning packs provided in 2 weeks’ time.

In addition, children have been given storybooks from our book swap initiative. If you return these storybooks, we can swap them for you when you collect your new packs (if other families have returned them).

Below are links to all the online learning platforms that school currently offers and your child has login details for (We have stuck all their log in details into the exercise books included in the packs).

In addition to what we currently provide, you can find details of other online resources that you will find useful that are free to use at this time.

Can parents/ carers of children who are eligible for school care at this time make sure their children bring into school the pack they have been provided as it will be used for their learning provision in school.

We will keep you informed when new packs become available and will update this class page with new resources for the coming weeks.

Please adhere to the guidelines published by Public Health England and keep your children in the home unless they are with you to get some fresh air. They should not continue to mix socially with their friends.

We sincerely hope that you and your families remain safe and well at this time and we look forward to welcoming you back as school as school is allowed to re-open.


Miss Richards, Mrs Ethell and Mrs Baguely.


Reading Eggs


Active Learn


Spelling Shed


5 a day fitness


Additional sites / apps that can provide good quality learning support free of charge:

Phonics Play

Monster Phonics

Oxford Owl
