Welcome to spring term in year 5! Another busy and exciting term lies ahead.
We will start the term by looking at the book The Man Who Walked Between the Towers which is based on the true story of French man Philippe Petit who walked on a tightrope between the Twin Towers in New York City! We will become journalists for the New York Times and write a newspaper report about the incredible event. We will then learn about Petit’s incredible life and write biographies about him.
Our class novel this term is Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell. The adventure story is set in Russia and tells the story of Feo, a young girl who lives with wolves.
We will first look at multiplying numbers up to 4 digits by 2 digit numbers and then learn how to use short division to divide 4 digit numbers by 1 digit. We will then move onto fractions, decimals and percentages. After that, we will learn how to measure and calculate the area and perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in centimetres and metres.
Please make sure that your child practices their times tables regularly. If you need their Times Table login, please ask school.
Our topic this term is Properties of Materials. We will be carrying out investigations to test materials to see if they are dissolvable, magnetic and whether they are good insulators or conductors.
Our topic this term is Exploring Europe. We will be looking at the physical and human geography of this exciting continent and learn about the different cultures and famous landmarks in European countries. We will develop our geography skills by using a mixture of digital and atlas maps.
We will continue working on our RSE scheme ‘Jigsaw’ and discussing issues which are important to us and help us work together as a team. Our topic is Dreams & Goals. We will also have money week this term and learn about finance.
We will be using Sketch Map, Book Creator and Seesaw programs to design our own bridge structures. Children will be exploring drawings/illustrations representing both 2D and 3D worlds. We will also be learning about flat file databases.
PE will be on Monday and Wednesday.
Children must have a full P.E. kit which comprises of a plain white t-shirt, or Corrie P.E. top, plain black shorts of leggings and pumps.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR PE KIT. Make sure you don’t get RED on your Assertive Mentoring!
We will continue to have a creative approach to our topic homework this term. You will be given Maths and Spelling homework each week as well as being able to choose from a range of creative activities in Topic.
Homework is given out on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.
Homework handed in on Wednesday is GREEN.
Homework handed in on Thursday is YELLOW.
Homework handed in on Friday is RED.