Month: September 2024
Autumn Term
Autumn Term
The Resource Base team would like to welcome you to our class page.
What does your child need in the Resource Base?
- A school uniform and shoes
- A water bottle.
- A coat
- A pair of wellies
- A set of spare clothes to hang on their peg.
Please label all of your child’s belongings with their name.
PE and forest school take place on Fridays.
Planning : Autumn 1 2024
Topic: Why am I special and unique?
Key Texts: Be You by Peter Reynolds
Be You by Karl Newson
In Maths, in addition to following their own mathematical interests the children will be exploring:
- Counting to 10 and 20
- Number bonds 5
- Weight – focusing on the language heavy and light
- Shape – focusing on the names of both 2d and 3d shapes.
- Repeating patterns
In Phonics, the children will be learning Phase 2 and 3 letter sounds.
We use the Story Time Phonics scheme to teach phonics. It supports the Phonics Planning of Letters and Sounds by learning the actions to the song for each new letter, sound and the actions.
Indoor Learning:
The children will have access to play based learning opportunities to help develop communication and social interaction skills through daily continuous provision activities.
Outdoor Learning
The children have access to their own outdoor learning area to give children the opportunity to explore the world around them and learn through play.
Learning at home
Each week your child will be given a reading book to share with you at home. Once this is returned to school a new reading book will be provided.
If there is anything else you need, or require further information please feel free to contact me before or after school or give me a ring.
Miss Sharp
Welcome to Year 3!
We hope that you have had a fantastic summer break.
Please find below what we will be learning about during the Autumn term:
In maths we will be looking at number and place value (including ordering 2 and 3 digit numbers) addition and subtraction (including adding and subtracting 1 digit numbers to and from 2 digit numbers) and multiplication and division.
We will be learning about the Stone Age this term. In English our featured text will be ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. We will also be reading Stig of the Dump by Clive Davies, Oi! Caveboy by Alan MacDonald and How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth by Michelle Robinson. We will interrogate each text and write our own Stone Age adventure story and instructions.
Topic: The Stone Age
Through our topic we will find out for example when the Stone Age was by looking at timelines, stone age people, their homes and survival (History focus) and where Stone Age people came from (Geography focus.) We will also be looking at Stone Age Art and Craft and create our own cave paintings (Art focus) and analyse Stone Age weapons and jewellery including spears, axes and bear tooth necklaces (DT focus.)
Science: Moving and Feeding
In Science the children will learn that animals including humans need the right types and amounts of nutrition to thrive and grow and that eating the wrong types and amounts can lead to health problems. They will investigate some of the health problems associated with not eating well. They will learn that we cannot make our own food and that we need to eat a varied diet and list the types of food that we need and why we need them and construct a balanced food plate. They will find out that different animals have different dietary requirements and some foods humans eat may be poisonous to animals. The children will also discuss the role of the muscles and skeleton and describe what would happen if we didnʼt have them.
Our second science topic is Light and Shadows.
You will explore the differences between light sources and light reflectors. You will be able to describe how shadows are formed and will explore the relationship between light, objects and the formation of shadows. You will explore the properties of materials that can cast shadows and use the scientific terms opaque, translucent and transparent to describe these materials. You will also demonstrate an understanding of the possible dangers to health that the sun, as a strong source of light, holds for yourself and others.
Working scientifically, you will set up simple comparative and fair tests to compare materials, and you will make systematic and careful observations of shadows.
PHSE: JIGSAW Being Me In My World
During this ‘puzzle’ the children will be looking at our thoughts and feelings during new experiences. They will be looking at what makes them proud and how this made them feel. They will create their own personal and class targets linked to our Investors in Pupils and assess their progress in achieving them. They will look at and discuss the Jigsaw Charter including the ‘right to pass’ and then help to create their own rules for the classroom.
RE: What do different people believe about God?
In RE the children will be looking at what different people believe about God through for example stories, buildings and art.
PE: Games and Gymnastics
In PE the children will have Kick Start working with them in their lessons every week and will practise a range of skills in games such as basketball.
Music: BRASS
During our music lessons the children will have the opportunity to learn how to play a brass instrument with Tameside music service.
In ICT we will be recapping E safety and looking at the units Connecting Computers and Stop Frame Animations.
MFL: French
Our first theme will be France and its culture. The children will be learning greetings and introductions and counting up to 20.
Every half term the children will receive ‘Take Away Homework’ a menu of homework activities linked to our Topic. If you would like to email us your child’s homework please email to FAO Mrs Faulkner or Mrs Akhtar.
The children will also be sent a piece of maths or literacy work.
Home Reading: Reading a school book is part of your homework. Reading books are changed or checked every Wednesday. Your child’s reading diary must be signed before a new book is given.
REMEMBER: all homework needs to be completed each week and handed in by each Wednesday to achieve GREEN for homework. If it is handed in on Thursday your child will achieve YELLOW and after that they will achieve RED for that week.
Want more?
The children all have a Times Tables Rockstar login to practise multiplication facts at home online. Please ask a teacher for a replacement card if you lose or forget your login. Web links:
Children will need to regularly revise the year 2 spelling list and learn the Year 3 / 4 spelling lists.
Other important information:
- Please ensure your child’s name is clearly written in all school uniform. We have a permanent marker if you need to write your child’s name in their jumper etc.
- Please ensure the correct and full PE kit is in school all week as PE days can change in school (it will be sent home every half term to wash)
- Bring your child’s reading book and reading diary to school every day. Sometimes a reading volunteer or teaching assistant will choose them for extra reading.
- Please bring a school water bottle in every day.
- All the equipment needed is supplied in school. Please do not allow children to bring in their own pencils, rubbers etc from home.
- PE is on Thursdays.
- Forest School is on Wednesdays.
Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 Autumn Term 1
We hope you’ve all had a brilliant holiday and are ready and raring to go again. We are really looking forward to this half term and we hope you are too! Autumn Term 1 is a very busy one, so here’s what we’ll be up to!
We’ve got lots of exciting activities planned in English. Our writing focus is based on a book called Meerkat Mail. We will be creating our own narrative using an adventure theme. We will be analysing different texts and video clips to help inspire our own writing, so that we can carry on being awesome authors too!
We will develop our SPAG knowledge through continuing to learn about the various word classes and different spelling patterns, including the Y3/4 word list. We will be focussing on how to apply all our SPAG work into our own writing.
In Guided Reading, we will be studying How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell, which is an adventure narrative.
We will continue to develop our skills in the 4 operations, our understanding of Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Area. We will be focussing on the Using and Applying aspect of Maths through Reasoning Challenges and improving our Maths fluency through Fluent in Five each day.
Please remember to carry on practising your times tables up to 12×12.
Our topic this half term is Dangers to Animals and their Habitats. We will be finding out about natural and physical dangers to animals in their habitat through our work in Forest School.
Our topic for the whole of this term is Invaders and Settlers. We will be learning all about the Roman Empire, the Roman invasion of Britain and also the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons.
Our first Puzzle is called Being Me In My World. We will be discussing how we learn, how we can help others and our school community.
Computing –
We will be finding out about Systems and Networks and Internet Safety.
PE will be on Tuesdays.
Swimming will be on Mondays.
For swimming lessons, girls will need to wear a one piece swimming costume and a swimming hat. Boys with a longer hairstyle will also need to wear a swimming hat.
Earrings cannot be worn for swimming.
Goggles cannot be worn unless medically prescribed.
Forest School
Forest School will be on Thursdays. Please make sure you bring a change of clothes, suitable footwear such as walking shoes, old trainers or wellies and a waterproof coat.
We will continue to have a creative approach to our homework this term. You will be given Maths and Spelling homework each week as well as being able to choose from a range of creative activities in Topic.
Homework is given out on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.
We read in class every day, so make sure you always have your Reading Log in school.
Please make sure you also read twice each week at home and ask an adult to sign your Reading Log for you. We will sign your Reading Log every WEDNESDAY to check you have read at home, so please don’t forget!!
Miss Bruce & Miss Mees
Welcome to Year 4.
Welcome to Year 4 Autumn Term 1
We hope you’ve all had a brilliant holiday and are ready and raring to go again. We are really looking forward to this half term and we hope you are too! Autumn Term 1 is a very busy one, so here’s what we’ll be up to!
We’ve got lots of exciting activities planned in English. Our writing focus is based on a book called Meerkat Mail. We will be creating our own narrative using an adventure theme. We will also focus on a book called The Lion and the Unicorn by Shirley Hughes and write a narrative with an historical theme. We will be analysing different texts and video clips to help inspire our own writing, so that we can carry on being awesome authors too!
We will develop our SPAG knowledge through continuing to learn about the various word classes and different spelling patterns, including the Y3/4 word list. We will be focussing on how to apply all our SPAG work into our own writing.
In Guided Reading, we will be studying How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell, which is an adventure narrative.
We will continue to develop our skills in the 4 operations, our understanding of Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Area. We will focus on the Using and Applying aspect of Maths through Reasoning Challenges and improving our Maths fluency through Fluent in Five each day.
Please remember to carry on practising your times tables up to 12×12.
Our topic this half term is Electricity. We will be finding out about sources of electricity, insulators and conductors and how to construct a circuit.
Our topic for the whole of this term is Invaders and Settlers. We will be learning all about the Roman Empire, the Roman invasion of Britain and also life in the time of the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons.
Our first Puzzle is called Being Me In My World. We will be discussing how we learn, how we can help others and our school community.
Computing –
We will be finding out about Systems and Networks and Internet Safety.
PE will be on Tuesdays. Please make sure you have your PE kit in school.
Swimming will be on Thursdays.
For swimming lessons, girls will need to wear a one piece swimming costume and a swimming hat. Boys with a longer hairstyle will also need to wear a swimming hat.
Earrings cannot be worn for swimming.
Goggles cannot be worn unless medically prescribed.
We will continue to have a creative approach to our homework this term. You will be given Maths and Spelling homework each week as well as being able to choose from a range of creative activities in Topic.
Homework is given out on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.
We read in class every day, so make sure you always have your Reading Log in school.
Please make sure you also read twice each week at home and ask an adult to sign your Reading Log for you. We will sign your Reading Log every WEDNESDAY to check you have read at home, so please don’t forget!!
Miss Turner, Miss Mees & Mrs. Wright
Welcome to Year 2
We hope you’ve all had a brilliant summer and are feeling refreshed and ready for the new term. We’ve got an exciting few months ahead, and we can’t wait to dive in! The Autumn Term is always a busy one, so here’s a little peek at what’s coming up:
To begin the school year, we are starting with the text ‘The Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke, this is a really fun book to kick start our brilliant work in English and will provide lots of great writing opportunities. We will be creating our own exciting adventure stories to share with our families.
We will be continuing to enhance our phonic knowledge and will be looking at lots of strategies to help us with our spelling of the Year 1 and 2 words.
We are starting the year with the ‘Numbers to 100’ unit in Power Maths looking at counting in 10’s to 100, partitioning numbers, comparing numbers and adding numbers on a numberline.
We will then be moving onto addition and subtraction, looking at the column method.
This half term our science unit is ‘Uses of everyday materials’. We will be learning about different materials and how we use them in our everyday lives. We be exploring the range of materials used in our school and will carry out a range of experiments to test the most suitable material for a particular task.
Out topic this half term in ‘Our Town, Our Denton’, we will be studying the history of Denton, the hatting industry and some local historical landmarks.
We will be carrying out fieldwork activities, using map and getting out into the local area.
Our first Puzzle is called Being Me In My World. We will be discussing how we learn, how we can help others and our school community.
PE will be on Wednesdays.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR PE KIT. This should include a plain white t-shirt or Corrie t-shirt, plain black shorts or leggings and black pumps.
Forest school will be on Tuesdays.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR FOREST SCHOOL CLOTHES. This needs to be suitable clothing and footwear for wet, muddy activities.
We will continue to have a creative approach to our homework this term. You will be given Maths and Spelling homework each week as well as being able to choose from a range of creative activities in Topic.
Homework is given out on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.
We read in class every day, so make sure you always have your Reading Log in school.
Please make sure you also read twice each week at home and ask an adult to sign your Reading Log for you.
We will check your Reading Log every WEDNESDAY to see that you have read at home, so please don’t forget!!
We’re really excited for this term, and we’re sure it’s going to be a great one!
Thanks for your support, and we’ll keep you updated on all the exciting things your children are doing in class.
Mrs Moran and Miss Read
Welcome to Year 5 Autumn Term
We hope you’ve all had a fantastic summer and are ready and raring to go again. We are really looking forward to this term and we hope you are too! Autumn Term is a very busy one, so here’s what we’ll be up to!
We’ve got lots of exciting activities planned in English. Our writing focus is based on a book called Leon & The Place Between which is set in a circus. We will be creating our own fantasy narrative using a circus theme and including lots of exciting vocabulary and descriptive techniques. We will be analysing different texts and video clips to help inspire our own writing, so that we can carry on being awesome authors too!
We will develop our SPAG knowledge through continuing to learn about the various word classes and different spelling patterns, including the Y5/6 word list. We will be focussing on how to apply all our SPAG work into our own writing.
In Guided Reading, we will be studying The Nowhere Emporium by Ross McKenzie, which is a fantasy narrative based on time travel.
We will continue to develop our skills in the 4 operations, our understanding of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Interpreting Tables and Area & Perimeter. We will be focussing on the Using and Applying aspect of Maths through Reasoning Challenges and improving our Maths fluency through Fluent in Five each day.
Please remember to carry on practising your times tables up to 12×12.
Our topic this half term is Earth & Space. We will be learning all about the planets in our solar system, about the phases of the moon, how shadows are formed and about the seasons change.
Our topic for the whole of this term is The Tudors. We will be learning all about the Tudor reign- Henry 8th and his 6 wives, the break with Rome and what daily life was like in the Tudor times. We will also be having a Tudor workshop in school!
Our first Puzzle is called Being Me In My World. We will be discussing how we learn, how we can help others and our school community.
We will be using different types of information to create our own databases. We will also be learning about vector drawings and creating our own drawings using different programmes.
PE will be on Mondays and Wednesdays.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR PE KIT. This should include a plain white t-shirt or Corrie t-shirt, plain black shorts or leggings and black pumps.
We will continue to have a creative approach to our homework this term. You will be given Maths and Spelling homework each week as well as being able to choose from a range of creative activities in Topic.
Homework is given out on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.
We read in class every day, so make sure you always have your Reading Log in school.
Please make sure you also read twice each week at home and ask an adult to sign your Reading Log for you. We will sign your Reading Log every WEDNESDAY to check you have read at home, so please don’t forget!!
We can’t wait for to get to know you all and for an exciting term ahead!
Miss Wood and Mrs McDade
Welcome to Boost Group!
Children who attend our ‘Boost group’ have been identified as needing an extra ‘boost’ with their learning.
Each morning, each child will work to develop their speaking and listening, reading, writing and maths skills.
Here you will find further information about what your child in Boost Group will be learning in other areas of the curriculum, along with other useful information.
Autumn Curriculum
Topic: Why can’t a meerkat live in the North Pole?
This term we will be looking at the book Meerkat Mail. The children will learn where meerkats live and will compare the meerkats habitat to animals that live in the North Pole.
Science: Light
In the light unit children will learn about light sources and how shadows are formed.
PHSE: JIGSAW : Being in my world
Our school follows a scheme called Jigsaw and this term Boost group children will complete a unit called ‘Being in my world’ which the children will talk about when they feel worried and who then can ask for help, how to help themselves and others feel like they belong, how to help their class a safe and fair place and how to work cooperatively.
In RE the children will be looking at: Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?
PE: Basketball (also swimming for year 4 children)
The children will continue to have the sports coach working with them on a Thursday afternoon. This half term, the children will developing their skills for the game of basketball.
Please ensure your correct and full PE kit is in school all week as PE days may change to accommodate other activities taking place in school.
Year 4 children, will join their peers and attend swimming lessons on a Monday afternoon. Please make sure the children have appropriate swimming kits and towels in a bag.
Music: (also brass for year 3 children)
Music this half term will be using the Charanga scheme, Inventing a musical story unit.
Year 3 children will have the opportunity to learn how to play a brass instrument with Tameside music service. Music lessons are every Monday. If your child would like to take their brass instrument home to practice, a deposit can be paid to the office allowing them to take it home.
Computing: Computing systems and networks
This term the children will develop learn about online safety.
Forest School
Children in Boost Group have the fantastic opportunity to take part in Forest Schooling each Friday. We venture out in all sorts of weather conditions and therefore children should have waterproof and warm clothing and sturdy footwear.
Other Support
To help support each child’s individual needs, children may take part in other activities to support their needs. These may include Zones of Regulation, speech and language, motor skills, lego therapy, social skills, memory skills or support with specific life skills.
Home Reading:
We ask that you read with your child as often as possible and sign their reading record a minimum of twice weekly in line with school policy. We will check reading records and change reading books every Friday. We monitor reading, homework and PE kits as part of our Assertive Mentoring Scheme.
Homework will be issued each Thursday and should be completed each week and handed in by the following Tuesday to achieve GREEN for Homework in Assertive Mentoring. If it is handed it in on Wednesday or Thursday you will achieve YELLOW. If you don’t hand your homework in you will be RED for that week.
Other important information:
Please ensure your child’s name is clearly written in all your school uniform.
Children have a login for Active Learn, Readingeggs, Spellingshed and Times Table Rockstars. Each of these will help support your child’s learning and can be used at home. Please ask an adult if you lose or forget your login.
Parents & Carers are always very welcome to call in to discuss any aspect of their child’s learning, any other area of their school life or just to say ‘hello’.
If there is anything you need, or any help we can give you with anything, please let us know by either messaging on Google Classroom or speaking to us.
We are available after school, except on Wednesdays because that’s when we have our Staff Meeting. If a matter is urgent, you can always speak to an adult in the morning.
Thank you for your continued support.
Boost Group Team
Mrs Appleton-Jones, Mrs Chambers, Mrs Holt, Miss Newton and Mrs Farrington