Welcome back Year 3!




We hope that you have had a fabulous Christmas. Please find below what we will be learning about during the Spring term:


We will continue to use Power Maths and Fluent in 5 each day. We will start by continuing our work on multiplication and division, focusing on multiplying and dividing 2 digit numbers. We will then move onto length and perimeter, fractions, mass and capacity. This term we will consolidate our times tables work on the 4s and 8 times table and focus specifically on the 3 times table too. The children can use TT Rock stars to support at home.


We will start the term by focusing on narrative writing inspired by the book How to Live Forever by Colin Thompson. The children will produce lost posters, dialogue, setting and character descriptions, ledger entries, instructions and letters of warning. The main outcome will be a prequel to the book. We will then use a short film ‘Tadeo Jones’ to inspire diary writing.

We will then move onto a poetry unit. We will use The Sound Collector poem by Roger McGough to inspire our own poetry.

We will finish the term by learning how to write a persuasive information leaflet based on the book The Tin Forest by Helen Ward.

Topic: Ancient Egypt

Our topic this term is Ancient Egypt and we are going to find out all about this fascinating period of history. We will be doing lots of activities in our Kagan books, looking at Egyptian artefacts and discovering what life was like in the Egyptian times. We will take part in an amazing drama workshop which will bring parts of the learning to life.

We will also be sketching some Ancient Egyptian artefacts and creating a piece of Egyptian

jewellery (Art & DT focus).

Science: Magnets and Forces followed by Rocks and Soils

We will learn about forces, friction and magnetic attraction. We will learn about forces in the context of pushing and pulling, and will identify different actions as pushes or pulls. We will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate friction, by exploring the movement of a toy car over different surfaces. We will work in a hands on way to identify magnetic materials. We will conduct an investigation into the strength of different types of magnet.

In the rocks and soils unit we will classify, group and test rocks. We will explore and test different soils.

PHSE: JIGSAW Dreams and goals and Healthy Me

During the first half term, children will look at understanding what their dreams and goals are and look at how to achieve their aspirations. In the second half term they will learn about making healthy choices with food and activity and how to deal with difficult situations.

RE: Why do people pray?

In RE the children will be looking at how and why people pray across a range of different religions. Expressing (religious and spiritual forms of expression; questions of identity and diversity). Which places are special and why? What makes some places sacred? If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?

PE: Tennis & Netball

In PE the children will learn different skills in their lessons every week and will practise a range of techniques in games such as netball.

Music: BRASS

During our music lessons the children will have the opportunity to learn how to play a brass instrument with Tameside music service. The children will continue to have the opportunity to bring their instruments home to practise.

Computing: desktop publishing and branching databases.

This term the children will learn about combining text and images to produce a leaflet. They will then find out what a branching database is and what it is used for.

MFL: French

We will be developing our language skills this term by looking at colours and the French alphabet. Then after half term we will learn to count from 20- 50 in French and begin to look at how to say and write the date.




Every term the children will receive ‘Take Away Homework’ a menu of homework activities linked to our Topic. If you would like to email us your child’s homework please email to admin@corrie.tameside.sch.uk FAO Mrs Faulkner or Mrs Akhtar.

The children will also be sent a piece of maths or literacy work.

Home Reading: Reading a school book is part of your homework. Reading books are changed or checked every Wednesday. Your child’s reading diary must be signed before a new book is given.

REMEMBER: all homework needs to be completed each week and handed in by each Wednesday to achieve GREEN for homework. If it is handed in on Thursday your child will achieve YELLOW and after that they will achieve RED for that week.


Want more?

The children all have a Times Tables Rockstar login to practise multiplication facts at home online. Please ask a teacher for a replacement card if you lose or forget your login. Web links:


Children will need to regularly revise the year 2 spelling list and learn the Year 3 / 4 spelling lists.



 Other important information:

  • Please ensure your child’s name is clearly written in all school uniform. We have a permanent marker if you need to write your child’s name in their jumper etc.
  • Please ensure the correct and full PE kit is in school all week as PE days can change in school (it will be sent home every half term to wash)
  • Bring your child’s reading book and reading diary to school every day. Sometimes a reading volunteer or teaching assistant will choose them for extra reading.
  • Please bring a school water bottle in every day.
  • All the equipment needed is supplied in school. Please do not allow children to bring in their own pencils, rubbers etc from home.
  • PE is on Thursdays.

Mrs Akhtar, Mrs Faulkner and Mr Jones




Categories 3AF




12thJanuary 2024 Mrs Akhtar

We will be doing some very exciting work this term in year 2!


In English we will be looking at the story The Dragon Machine. We will be creating descriptive sentences and collecting inspired ideas by Cressida Cowell. We will also be writing our own story based on the book.

We will then be looking at identifying the features of a poem and reading them out with great expression and clarity. After exploring known poems and discussing them we will write our own poem based on a dragon.

After that, we will be looking to write Non-Chronological reports on Wolves based on the book by Emily Gravett and understand the difference between fact and fiction. We will write factual sentences using cause and effect and describe wolves using ambitious words.


We will be looking at money, to recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p) To find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money and solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change.

After that we will look at multiplication and division and solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts.

We will then look at length and height, choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels.

Finally we will look at mass, capacity and temperature and compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and =


We will be looking at changing shape and finding out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.

After that we will be looking at living things by exploring and comparing the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive. Also noticing that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults.


We will be doing the topic ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ we will place known events in chronological order and find answers about the past from simple sources of information. We will discuss the lives of significant individuals in the past and use some to compare aspects of life in different periods e.g. Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth 1. We will locate different castles throughout the United Kingdom by using simple maps. We will also be visiting Skipton Castle and comparing the area with Denton.

Other things:

PE will be on Tuesdays.

Homework and reading will be given out on Fridays and need to be returned on Wednesdays.

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